Monday, November 14, 2016

Other Amphibians I am working with are American toads. Here are some young toads that i picked up this summer and been keeping them in a tank with some ferns I got from their location. 

The tank above has no heat, being kept in a very cool basement as well. I am finding they are doing very well in this setup. Tank gets misted often but this setup lacks a water dish. The water is moist and damp and the ferns and moss are doing well. I keep large and small isopods in the tank as well. The toads are thriving on them as well as other crawlies. I have a nice colony of springtails growing in this tank. Kinda looking at this as a cool tank version of a Dart frog tank.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Wow.. I haven't logged into this or written on it in about 10 years. I actually totally forgot about this. Well tanks? I slowly got out of them but I am working on doing a few more. The one I posted on, that 20 gallon is still running. I still use that filter. I thought it was one of the coolest things. Still works like a champ.
I have also setup a few other tanks during this time and still working on them. I do have 2 newt tanks.
The species of newt posted here is a Crested Alpine Newt. Pretty awesome animal.
I am actually thinking on just posting here regularly on my "New" Tanks and other animals I am working with.